Stress/Recovering from Illness

Craniosacral therapy can directly effect the nervous system and the autonomics (your flight and fight response and your digestive/resting response).  By helping to create better balance in the autonomic nervous system and relieving the effects of tension and stress in the tissues CST has an important role to play in improving overall health and vitality and feelings of wellbeing. 

Sometimes traumatic events in life either physical, mental or emotional can leave their mark on our physical bodies.  Emotional and mental stresses can play out in patterns of tension and strain in the tissues of our body.  If we are reasonably healthy our bodies know how to deal with stress quite well, but if the stress is prolonged, or we experience multiple stressful events these stresses can accumulate and we may start to have symptoms.

Craniosacral therapists and osteopaths like myself have been trained to palpate the lingering effects of short or long term stresses or shocks in the body and in the nervous system.  Gentle hands-on treatment can directly effect the nervous system and the autonomics allowing your body to relax and regain its natural balance. 

General health and recovering from illness or surgery:

Whether you need help recovering from a bout of illness, or following surgery, or are suffering from repeated infections (such as sinusitis, ear infections, etc) craniosacral therapy has a role to play, along with your other get-well measures, in helping you restore and maintain your vitality and good health, by releasing areas of tension and restoring good blood flow, venous drainage and lymphatic flow to all areas of the body.